Skin secrets I learnt from my mother

We’re wishing all the mothers, carers and important women in our lives a very happy Mother’s Day. It’s a particularly special day for our Executive Brand Manager, Francesca Hopfner, as she recently welcomed her first child, Louis (ten weeks old), into the world. First-time grandmother and LA CLINICA’s Founder, Rita-Marie Hopfner, is equally excited for the milestone moment. We’ve asked the duo to share their mother-daughter skin secrets, the products they’re most proud of, and more below.


Francesca, congratulations on the arrival of gorgeous Louis. How are you enjoying this new phase of life?

“I keep pinching myself! I can’t believe I’m a mother to this perfect little boy. The latest highlight is when Louis detaches during feeding to give me a milky, gurgle smile and tries to talk to me. I just melt. The lows are no surprise: sleep deprivation and losing all sense of time. As Louis is a big growing boy, at times I felt judged for topping up his breastfeeds with formula. But I quickly learnt from my mum and Midwife Cath that a happy baby is a well-fed baby.”


What will you be requesting for your first Mother’s Day?

“An amazing, super-sized coffee in bed (that I can drink without it getting cold), ten minutes to myself so that I can wear our Hyaluronic Sheet Mask and feel a little pampered, and a sleep-in (is this asking too much?). Then, later in the day, a walk along the beach with Louis and my partner Sam.”


Can you tell us how your skin care routine adjusted pre and post-birth?

“Before I was pregnant, I applied Retinol religiously because my biggest skin concerns where texture, breakouts and acne. I have missed it so much and can’t wait to use it again! Hydration has been a focus both during my pregnancy and post-birth, and this is the routine that works for me: Essentials Hydrating and Healing Serum, Vitamin C Ultra Serum, Nourishing Facial Oil and the Deep Hydration Moisture Cream. Plus, a sunscreen during the day and the Anti Ageing 3 Fruit Enzymes Exfoliating Scrub & Mask twice a week to stay on top of texture issues. During my pregnancy I loved applying the Stretch Mark Belly Rub Oil both morning and night.”


Name some of the biggest skin secrets that your mother Rita-Marie has passed on to you?

“Mum really drilled it into me to stay out of the sun and not to sun bake. I wish I listened to her. And to never pick my face — another one I’m sometimes guilty of — but I’m much better these days. Plus, always double cleanse using a facial cloth to ensure you remove all make up, dirt and grime. I learnt early on that acids and retinol are key to dealing with skin texture and breakouts, and when it comes to serums you can layer on multiple because each one has a purpose.”


Rita-Marie, you first launched LA CLINICA in 1995, do you have a product that you’re most proud of?

“It’s tough naming one, but if I had to, I would say the Microdermabrasion Facial Scrub. You don’t need much and with the lightest pressure it will help loosen even the most stubborn skin blockages. It helps to dramatically decrease the chance of clogged pores, blackheads and milia. For me, I find that it reduces the appearance of my wrinkles and makes my skin feel so soft and smooth.”


Congratulations on becoming a nonna, are you enjoying this new phase of your life?

“Being a nonna is the most wonderful experience. I feel complete and rewarded. The joy in seeing my daughter becoming a mother to her very own beautiful little boy fills my heart. I know my mother and father are looking down from heaven, delighting in our happiness.”


Keep reading: Meet Fran - La Clinica’s Executive Brand Manager

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