Meet Phoebe - Skincare Lover & Content Creator

Delving into the world of content creation, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Phoebe, UK-born, now New Zealand-based content creator. With a penchant for double cleansing, a fondness (or need!) for coffee, and a love of pink amidst a neutral palette.

Phoebe shares beauty and skincare content over on her insta @phoeberosemua which blossomed from a role at the beauty section of a department store. In our chat she discusses her current skincare routine to target dry skin and pigmentation, how she’s managed to make a hobby into a fully-fledged lifestyle all while raising two kids, and how you will know if a product has ’wowed’ her.

Dive into Phoebe's world of beauty, skincare, family, and the art of balancing it all.


Tell us a bit about yourself and what you do 

My name is Phoebe, I’m 22 years old, I’ve got two kids Juliet and Arlo and I’m a stay at home mum and Content Creator/Influencer - whatever you wanna call it. I was born in England and we came to NZ on a holiday and ended up moving here.


How did you get interested in the world of skincare?

Mainly through watching YouTube videos! I got really passionate about it after working in the beauty section of a department store, then I went on to work in a pharmacy managing a skincare counter. I’ve learnt a lot about it and my love for skincare has continued to grow ever since then. 



What does your current day-to-day life routine look like?

Wake up anywhere from 5:30am - 7:30am on a good day!

Make my coffee and the kids’ breakfast, then it’s a mixture of creating content, replying to emails, entertaining the kids, dinner, shower, bed - but every day is different!


Talk us through your daily skincare routine and your favourite products

So for AM I don’t actually cleanse, I go in with a toner, then my La Clinica Level 2 Brightening Serum - without fail it is my holy grail! Then moisturiser. I’ve currently been loving the Mecca Max Thirst Impressions - and then an SPF of course! I am currently switching between the Airy Days & La Clinica SPF 50 Lotion. In the evening I always double cleanse. I’ve been using the Jeuneoura MeltTheDay cleanser followed by the La Clinica Sensitive Skin Cream Cleanser. For a facial mist I’m not fussed on the brand and I change up my serums often, but currently loving the Jeuneoura ThemGenes Serum, followed by my La Clinica Deep Hydration Cream. 



How has your skin been tracking recently?

My skin has been on the dehydrated and dry side, I’ve been a bit slack on my water intake, as well as having the heating going 24/7 because it's so cold and my skin is feeling it! I'm focusing on minimising some pigmentation I have around the side of my eye and the Level 2 Brightening Serum is helping reduce this. I’m also back to using the Deep Hydration Cream as my PM moisturiser for most nights - it's the boost of hydration my skin needs right now.


With the abundance of skincare products available, how do you navigate through the noise and select the ones you recommend to your audience?

Ooooh great question! I test, trial, and something has to WOW me before I recommend it. I try so many products and get new products to try weekly, so it takes me a while to try everything and discover what I love and what actually makes a difference. You will know when I love a product because you won’t hear me shut up about it on my Instagram!


What is something you cannot live without ?

I genuinely think after becoming a mum I couldn’t live without my morning coffee, as silly as it sounds that’s what I look forward to every morning and I don’t think I could handle getting woken up 1-4 times a night if I didn’t get that caffeine boost in the morning! When it comes to skincare I always need to have La Clinica’s Deep Hydration Cream in my collection.



What inspires you?

Myself! I am so proud of how far I have come and how I’ve managed to turn my hobby into a job, while still getting to stay home and be a mum is pretty amazing. I’m also inspired by other content creators, and family.


How does your home decor reflect who you are / your style / your inspiration?

Well my room is currently baby pink which I love, but I am waiting to get it painted light grey. I wanted something more neutral. All my furniture is white and clean, I love the white clean look with a touch of pink.




Talk us through your creative process

I will usually write a plan on angles I want to shoot and what I want to cover. I try to have fun and as long as I'm happy with how everything is, that’s all that matters! I want to be proud to upload it.

What has been the best thing that has happened since you started your instagram / blog?

The amazing brands and people I have built a relationship with and who have believed in me and helped support me making my dream into a job.


What is a piece of skincare advice you would give your younger self?

I've got two! First, always wear your SPF! If you hate wearing it, you just haven't found the right one for you yet! Check out my instagram to see my top picks. Second, double cleanse! It's so important to get all the makeup, SPF, dirt etc, out of your skin.



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